Spiritual Journey Through Dreams

Absolutely, let’s delve deeper into this spiritual discourse: “Beloved ones, let us further explore this mystical journey, this voyage that transcends the physical and ventures into the astral. The realm of dreams, the realm of the soul. We are not merely physical beings, confined to the tangible world. We are spiritual entities, divine in nature, […]

A Mystery Remain as a Mystery

We are immersed in an enigma of profound depth, a cosmic puzzle that intertwines the known and the unknown, the perceptible and the imperceptible, the finite and the infinite. Life is a piece of this grand puzzle. We are born, we live, we love, we endure, we celebrate, and then we leave this physical existence, […]

Repressive State of a Monk

Let’s discuss the spiritual path of the monk and the challenges they face. It is a path that demands the highest discipline, the deepest commitment, and yet, it is fraught with pitfalls and paradoxes. One of these paradoxes is the issue of repression, particularly in relation to desires, and more specifically, sexual desires. The monk’s […]

The Cosmic Mirror Within

Permit me to guide your thoughts towards a matter of deep and profound significance – the very nature of change, the nature of the self, and the futility of seeking alterations in the world without first seeking them within us. This exploration is akin to studying a mirror, understanding the simple yet profound truth it […]

Seeking Validation from a Friend is Not Always Good. – Awakening and Success

Let us discuss on the subject of awakening and success, perceived through the lens of relationships, introspection, and transformation. Often, we find ourselves in the company of those who echo our sentiments, those who nod in agreement with our complaints, our anger, our sadness. It is easy to mistake this echo for a sign of […]

A Parable of Friendship, Validation, and Awakening

Once upon a time, in a charming village, lived a young man named Jivan. Jivan was well-liked, and he had a best friend, Prem, who was always by his side. They shared all their experiences, both joys and sorrows, triumphs and failures. Whenever Jivan found himself amidst negativity or facing difficulty, he sought comfort and […]

Belief vs Faith: Transcending Belief to Faith

Belief and faith – these two terms are often used interchangeably in our discourse, but they have significant differences, particularly in the context of the spiritual journey. Both of these are not in opposition, rather they coexist, representing different aspects of our spiritual development. Belief is an intellectual acceptance or a mental agreement to the […]

Knowing Your Past Lives

The very idea of past lives stems from an understanding that transcends the bounds of our physical existence. It introduces us to the notion that we are more than our bodies, our names, and our present-day identities. At our core, we are spiritual beings, on a journey that extends beyond a single lifetime. But how […]

Consciously Recreating Your Reality With The Power of Your Mind

The Universe, in its infinite wisdom operates on principles that are often beyond the comprehension of the ordinary human mind. One such principle, a profound truth that spiritual masters have been teaching for centuries, is the concept that our thoughts, powered by the energy they carry, create our reality. This concept, while seemingly abstract and […]

Art of Listening to Acting

There is a saying in the Zen tradition, “When you drink tea, just drink tea. When you eat, just eat.” The essence of this wisdom is ‘presence’, ‘awareness’. In our context today, I will paraphrase it as, “When you listen, just listen.” Listening is a divine art. It is the sacred portal through which the […]

Patana Org
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